Accession No

1947.402 B


Reindeer skin with fur, which has been cut transversely to include the tail, back, right side and right legs of the reindeer. The skin is from a three-year-old reindeer that was part of a herd owned by Axel Akerlund.


Europe; Northern Europe; Fenno-Scandinavia; Sápmi; Sweden



Lindgren, Ethel John (Dr) [field collector and donor]



Reference Numbers

1947.402 B

Cultural Affliation



Skin; Fur

Local Term


930mm x 1210mm


Context (Field collection)
Note authored by E. J. Lindgren on catalogue card for 1947.402 A-B: 'This is the skin of one of the small herd of reindeer owned by Axel Akerlund, a Swede who built a hotel and cinema in Jokkmokk, Norbotten about forty years previous to the time of the object's collection. Swedes long resident in the area are allowed to own up to twenty fully grown deer, which must be, however, looked after by Lapps for an annual payment. (Reindeer breed is reserved by law for Lapps). This skin was given to E. J. Lindgren by the twin sons of the above, Gote and Gosta Akerlund, now owners of the Hotel (Gastis, Jokkmokk), in September, 1946. Undoubtedly the skin was removed from the reindeer by a Lapp.' (30/05/1947).
Event Date 9/1946
Author: Lizzy Peneycad

Context (Analysis)
Note authored by Mikel Utsi on catalogue card for 1947.402: 'The skin is that of a reindeer three years old. It was cut (transversely) in order to decorate the exhibition case.'
Event Date 1947
Author: maa

Description (Physical description)
Catalogue card for 1947.402 A-B: 'Reindeer skin.'
Event Date 1947
Author: maa

Context (Display)
Exhibited: On display in the Maudslay Hall, CUMAA, until 3/7/1986. Re-displayed in the refurbished gallery from 1990. Removed from display December 2009.
Event Date 3/7/1986
Author: maa

Conservation (Pest Debris Removed)
CON.2015.819 | Pest Debris Removed
Event Date 23/3/2015
Author: cft31

Conservation (Repack)
CON.2015.820 | Repack
Event Date 23/3/2015
Author: cft31

Conservation (Freezing)
CON.2023.5796 | Freezing
Event Date 18/10/2023
Author: Ayesha Fuentes

Description (Physical description)
Reindeer skin with fur, which has been cut transversely to include the tail, back, right side and right legs of the reindeer. The skin is from a three-year-old reindeer that was part of a herd owned by Axel Akerlund.
Event Date 2/3/2023
Author: Lizzy Peneycad

Context (Found together / assemblage)
The skins numbered 1947.402 A and 1947.402 B originate from the same reindeer. A is from the front half of the animal, and B is from the back half of the animal.
Event Date 2/3/2023
Author: Lizzy Peneycad


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