Accession No
Z 12328
Aha ukbo. Loom string holder carved from wood. The loom attachment is a wooden bracket with a hole drilled through each arm. On top of the loom attachment is a carved head with facial features and a hole drilled in the top. The entire surface of the object is covered with a patchy white pigment.
Africa; West Africa; Nigeria; Edo State; Uzebba [Ijeba]
Thomas, Northcote Whitridge [field collector]; Bevan, Anthony Ashley (Prof.) [monetary donor]
Reference Numbers
Z 12328; 1110 [Thomas Coll. - 1st Cat.]; 852 [Thomas Coll. label]
Cultural Affliation
Edo; Yekhee
Wood; Pigment
Local Term
Aha ukbo; okeeke
75mm x 160mm
Description (Labels & Markings)
Thomas/Bevan label reads: 'T.C.1110 / Loom String Holder.'
Event Date
Author: Katrina Dring
Description (Labels & Markings)
Luggage tag reads: '1110 Loom string holder / (abo ?ikbo) / Kukuruku'
Event Date
Author: Katrina Dring
Context (Field collection)
Collected by Northcote W. Thomas in Edo State, Ijeba (= Kukuruku) (now Uzebba) town. The inhabitants belong to the Edo ethnic group, and also identify themselves further as Yekhee people. The language they speak is also referred to as Yekhee. See Blench, R. M., 1995. The Work of N.W. Thomas as Government Anthropologist in Nigeria. The Nigerian Field, 60, pp.29.
Purchased using money from Prof. A.A. Bevan’s subscription to the Museum’s Accessions Fund.
Event Date
Author: Remke van der Velden
Description (Physical description)
Loom string holder, head on top
'Cracks in the wood stretching from the head to the chest of the figurine. Old label adds: "Kukuruku". Evidence of insect debris present also light brown accretions. K. Sutton 24/5/2001'
Event Date 24/5/2001
Author: maa
Context (Related Documents)
'See E 1910.118 and E 1913.3 records for further details about the Thomas Collection from Nigeria'. T.Cotterill,7/5/2001.
Event Date 7/5/2001
Author: maa
Context (Analysis)
Okeeke, an instrument used for holding rollers on the weaving loom. It is usually situated above the head of the weaver and linked with the pedals that alternate the cotton for weaving. There are usually two sets of spun cotton for weaving. The cottons are separated alternately. This is to allow the two sets to alternate moving up and down. Each time they alternate the up and down movement, the shuttle with its cotton is passed through, thus allowing for a kind of mat weaving effect. The mechanism attached to the two sets of strings that allows for the easy to and fro rotation of the cotton sets is the okeeke. In between the prongs of the carved wood there would be a reel/roller to which the extended strings from the pedals are attached.
Wood. Similar to those from Okpe such as Z 12956 and Z 12958.
A human head is positioned at the top ending in broad square shoulders, without a neck in between. The figure squares down into the two functional legs. One hole has been bored in each leg. Northcote Thomas states it is a ‘string holder for loom’ and ‘Ahaukbo’. On top of the head a hole is bored in the centre. The facial features have been crudely carved; they are mere reliefs on the wood. The eyes, nose and ears are schematised. The object appears to have been covered all over in a white substance possibly clay. Information provided by Dr Ohioma Pogoson, Honorary Curator of the Museum of the Institute for African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. January 2013.
Event Date 1/2013
Author: maa
Description (Physical description)
Loom figure with head on top of loom attachment. Head is only roughly carved, and the entire surface is covered with a patchy white pigment. Loom attachment has a hole drilled into both arms, and there is another hole in the top of the head.
Event Date 12/7/2018
Author: Katrina Dring
Context (Amendments / updates)
Record updated as part of the Museum Affordances project 2018-2020
Event Date 12/7/2018
Author: Katrina Dring
Description (Physical description)
Aha ukbo. Loom string holder carved from wood. The loom attachment is a wooden bracket with a hole drilled through each arm. On top of the loom attachment is a carved head with facial features and a hole drilled in the top. The entire surface of the object is covered with a patchy white pigment.
Event Date 19/10/2021
Author: Eleanor Beestin-Sheriff
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