Accession No
Z 44409
Beaded necklace with brass buttons and an orthodox crucifix. Woven glass seed bead band with zigzag design in black, white, yellow, green, blue and red glass seed beads bordered with black and red plaited cords and black and white beads and wrapped at the top with a piece of black cloth; a brass ring is attached at either end of the bang, with seven brass buttons alternating with large glass beads and a pendant brass crucifix at the centre.
?Africa; ?Southern Africa; ?Zimbabwe ?Europe; ?Eastern Europe; ?Russia
?Haddon, Alfred Cort (Dr) [?donor]
Reference Numbers
Z 44409
Cultural Affliation
Metal; Copper alloy; ?Brass; Glass; Fibre; Cotton; ?Wool; Cloth
Local Term
Description (Physical description)
Printed catalogue card: 'Flat black beadwork necklace with white, blue, red, yellow and green patterning. Two parallel red twine strips running along the edges. Central hanging Russian Orthodox cross (date 1864) with large beadwork - 2 light blue, 2 dark blue with white trimming and 3 black, 2 with coloured design. Also seven brass coat(?) buttons, central ones (3) with number 84 on them, one with 17 on it.'
Event Date 12/1986
Author: maa
Context (Amendments / updates)
Catalogue card: 'Possibly from The Haddon Collection 1905. Found during reorganisation 1986 without documentation. Z number issued Dec.1986.'
Event Date 12/1986
Author: Katrina Dring
Description (Physical description)
Beaded necklace with brass buttons and an orthodox crucifix. Woven glass seed bead band with zigzag design in black, white, yellow, green, blue and red glass seed beads bordered with black and red plaited cords and black and white beads, and wrapped at the top with a piece of black cloth; a brass ring is attached at either end of the band, with seven brass buttons alternating with large glass beads and a pendant brass crucifix strung at the centre.
Event Date 9/2/2023
Author: Katrina Dring
Context (Analysis)
Seven circular, slightly domed brass buttons with shank attached to cord. Possibly military regimental buttons, three marked in relief with the number 84, one with the number 17 and one has the remains of a 7 which appears to have been polished or filed off.
Crucifix is dated 1864 and has cyrillic writing as well as images of Christ and icons or saints.
Event Date 9/2/2023
Author: Katrina Dring
Context (Amendments / updates)
Z 18155 and Z 44409 are strikingly similar necklaces constructed from a beaded band with a central section containing a crucifix and metal buttons. Z 18155 is recorded as coming from Penza, Russia, while Z 44409 was recorded as coming from Zimbabwe. Both are Z numbers and do not have full provenance information, however, since the information for Z 18155 includes a specific Cultural Affiliation it has been taken as more plausible. The relevant fields have been updated to reflect this.
Event Date 10/5/2023
Author: Katrina Dring
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