Accession No
Z 29981
Headrest - Bamboo headrest
Oceania; Polynesia; Fiji
Maudslay, Alfred Percival [field collector and donor]
Reference Numbers
Z 29981; O.X.468.M; 288; A.P.M. X.468
Cultural Affliation
Wood; Bamboo; Plant; Fibre
Local Term
Kali (from catalogue card)
Context (CMS Context)
Catalogue card reads [handwritten in blue pen:] 'Z 29981 MELANESIA FIJI. Bamboo head rest. O.X.468.M. 288. Maudslay Colln. A small round red sticker pasted to the card.
Event Date
Author: maa
Description (CMS Description)
Bamboo headrest
Event Date 1/9/1997
Author: maa
Description (CMS Description)
bamboo rest with wooden legs, secured with sinnet. Carved with leaf and geometric designs on rest
Event Date 26/11/2009
Author: maa
Description (CMS Description)
Headrest formed of a circular bamboo bar (44.6 cm long x 5.6 cm diameter) resting on two legs of ?vesi wood. At each end, an area about 12 cm is incised with striated triangles. In the centre of the bar, the decoration consists of diagonal line onto which are interspaced small striated triangles (motif of branch and leaves?). The bar is pierced underneath to allow the two wooden legs to be lashed on. The top of each leg is cut to match the exact diameter of the bamboo bar and secured to the bar through a hole pierced at the top of the leg with 3-ply plaited coir. The legs are triangular in shape with concave sides.
Event Date 13/10/2011
Author: maa
Context (CMS Context)
Labels & inscriptions: 'Z 29981' inscribed in white ink under one of the feet. A small cream label with serrated edges and a decorative blue border is also pasted under the foot and reads [handwritten in blue ink:] '[?8]2'. A small rectangular cream label pasted on the side of the leg reads [handwritten in brown ink:] '288'. [An oblong label pasted underneath the above reads [handwritten in brown ink:] 'Maudslay Colln.' 'O.X.468.M.' inscribed in white ink inside the leg. '288' inscribed in pencil under the other leg. An old oblong label (very dirty) is pasted on the bar and reads [printed in black ink:] 'Maudslay Coll. Fiji, 1876.' A small cream label with serrated edges and a decorative blue border reads [handwritten in brown ink:] 'A. P. M. X. 468'.
Event Date 15/1/2013
Author: Lucie Carreau
Context (CMS Context)
This object was brought out of the stores for the visit of the President of Fiji, His Excellency Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, and the Fijian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, His Excellency Mr Solo Mara on 28 July 2012.
Event Date 31/1/2013
Author: Lucie Carreau
Context (CMS Context)
Exhibited: 'Chiefs & Governors: Art and power in Fiji', Cambridge MAA, 7 June 2013 - 19 April 2014.
Event Date 25/4/2014
Author: Remke van der Velden
Images (Click to view full size):