Accession No
Z 3649
Headrest formed of a circular bar of bamboo resting on two dark wooden legs.
Oceania; Polynesia; Fiji; Viti Levu; Ra Province; Rakiraki; Ndrau ni Ivi
19th century
von Hügel, Anatole (Baron) [field collector and donor]
Reference Numbers
Z 3649; O.X.450.H
Cultural Affliation
Wood; Bamboo; Plant; Fibre; Resin; bamboo, wood, plant fibre, resin
Local Term
172mm x 151mm x 270mm
Exhibition (Maudslay Gallery)
EXH.2018.4 | Pacific Currents
Event Date
Author: Remke Velden
Context (Display)
Exhibited in 'The Proper Study of Mankind: Great Anthropological Collections in Cambridge' (known at MAA as the 'Centenary Exhibition') at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 12 March - 06 May 1984.
Event Date 12/3/1984
Author: Lucie Carreau
Description (CMS Description)
Event Date 15/7/1987
Author: maa
Context (CMS Context)
Catalogue card 1 reads [stamped in black ink:] 'Z 3649 FIJI'. [typed:] 'Ndrau ni Ivi, Rakiraki, Rakiraki district, Viti Levu. Ra province' [added in pencil by F. G. Hayter:] 'Tavua direction [+ signature]. [typed:] Head rest, "kali". July 1875' [stamped in black ink:] 'THE VON HÜGEL COLLECTION.' [in pencil in the bottom left corner:] '16/30'. [added in pencil:] 'OX 450 H'. [added in back ink:] '(Centenary Exhibition). [stamped in blue ink in the bottom right corner:] 'SHOW CASE NUMBER 16'. [stamped in red ink:] 'CUMAA 15 JUL 1987 TRANSCRIBED'. A small round red sticker pasted to the card.
Catalogue card 2 reads [handwritten in black ink:] 'Z. 3649. NDRAU NI IVI, RAKI RAKI district. Viti Levu. RA province. Head rest, "KALI". A. P. Maudslay. Circa 1875. Show Case number 16.' [in pencil in the bottom left corner:] '16/30'.
Event Date 15/7/1987
Author: maa
Description (CMS Description)
Headrest formed of a circular bar of bamboo (27 cm long x 4 cm diameter) resting on two dark wooden legs. The bamboo bar is very dark in colour and shows three nodes. The bottom of the bar is pierced with holes to which are secured the legs. The legs are cut at the top to match the exact shape of the bar. The legs and bar are lashed with 3-ply plaited coir and gum/resin. Each leg is very dark and polished, arch-shaped and provided with two flat and circular feet. 'A.v.H' in engraved underneath one of the feet and 'Fiji' in engraved under another foot. Three of the feet are cracked. Two seem to have been broken and repaired (the wood seems different), although it is difficult to tell has the surface has been darkened.
Event Date 13/10/2011
Author: maa
Context (CMS Context)
Labels & inscriptions: 'Z- 3649' inscribed in white ink at the top of one leg (inside) and at the top of the other leg (outside). 'O.X.450.' inscribed in white ink on the side of one of the legs.
Event Date 16/1/2013
Author: Lucie Carreau
Context (CMS Context)
Exhibited: 'Chiefs & Governors: Art and power in Fiji', Cambridge MAA, 7 June 2013 - 19 April 2014.
Event Date 25/4/2014
Author: Remke van der Velden
Conservation (Surface Clean)
CON.2015.2093 | Surface Clean
Event Date 7/12/2015
Author: rah99
Description (CMS Description)
Formed of a circular bar of bamboo resting on two dark wooden legs.
Event Date 7/12/2016
Author: maa
Images (Click to view full size):