Accession No
Club; Throwing club - Throwing club
Oceania; Polynesia; Fiji
Timoci (Ratu); Stewart, R. W. [collector]; Stewart, F. M. [donor]
Reference Numbers
Cultural Affliation
Wood; Pigment
Local Term
I ula tavatava [Fiji Project]; I ula wase [Fiji project]
Context (CMS Context)
Note on catalogue card: Given to Miss Stewart's father by Ratu.
Also: "Ratu+ notable. Timothy+name. Timothi"
Event Date 1/6/1996
Author: maa
Description (CMS Description)
Throwing club
Event Date 1/6/1996
Author: maa
Context (CMS Context)
Labels & inscriptions: '19[last 2 digit overpainted in black paint]-323 Pedigree Ratu Timothy' inscribed in white paint below the head. '1937-323' inscribed in white ink on the butt. A large textile label attached to the handle reads [handritten in black ink in Hayter's handwritting:] '1937-323. FIJI. Throwing club. Part of Miss F. M. Stewarts gift. Presented to donor's father Colonel Stewart R. E., by Ratu (chieftian status) Timothy or Tomothi, Tubu of Vavau, died 1888, son (luvena) of THAKOMBAU paramount chief of Fiji (died 1883) when [other side of label:] taken over by the British 1875. Sir A. Gordom, afterwards Lord Stanmore first Governor.
Event Date 24/3/2013
Author: Lucie Carreau
Context (CMS Context)
Catalogue card reads [handwritten in black ink:] '37.323. Fiji. Throwing club - given to Donor's Father by RATU'. [added in pencil:] 'RATU = notable. Timothy = name Timothi. Colonel Stewart RE.' [in black ink:] 'd. d. Miss F. M. Stewart'. A small round red sticker pasted to the front of the card.
Event Date 24/3/2013
Author: Lucie Carreau
Description (CMS Description)
Throwing club of dark wood, I ula tavatava or i ula wase. Circular head, roughly flanged, with many deep cavities. The top of the head is carved with a convex protrusion, the surface of which shows traces of blue pigments. The handle is circular in section and flares towards the butt. The lower part of the handle is incised with tavatava patterns in low relief. Concave butt originally pierced with an oblique hole (hole now broken).
Event Date 24/3/2013
Author: maa
Context (CMS Context)
Exhibited: 'Chiefs & Governors: Art and power in Fiji', Cambridge MAA, 7 June 2013 - 19 April 2014.
Event Date 25/4/2014
Author: Remke van der Velden
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