Accession No



Coin. Votive deposit, in form of twenty coins strung together on red cord.


Asia; East Asia; China



Williams, John F. (Rev.) [collector]



Reference Numbers


Cultural Affliation



Local Term




Context (Related Documents)
Card Catalogue reads:

'60.405 ASIA, CHINA

String of twenty coins: -

7 Kae Yuen; Zang; AD 752-769
1 Za Kwan; Sung; AD 1100-1125
8 Kia Tsing; Ming; AD 1520-1605
1 Wan Le; Ming; AD 1571-1619
2 Zeen Ke; Ming; AD 1620-27

Original stringing on red cord. From votive deposit in figure of Kwan-Yin (See 60.400)

d.d. J.F. Williams.

[Written in pencil on a card stapled to the Catalogue Card. Written in columns as Dynasty, Emperor, Dates & Reference]

A) Tang; Various, Various; CFE 155-162 [Chinese characters] K'ai Yüan.

B) Sung; Hui Tsung; AD 1107; CFE 331-2 [Chinese characters] Ta Kuan.

C) Ming; Shih Tsung; AD 1522-1567; CFE 683-684 [Chinese characters] Chia Ching. (One with ornamented rim).

D) Ming; Shên Tsung; AD 1571-1619; CFE 687-88 [Chinese characters] Wan Li

E) Ming; Hsi Tung; AD 1621-28; CFE 700 [Chinese characters] T'ien Ch'i. Reverse: - [Chinese character] Hu 'Board of Revenue'.
Event Date
Author: ashleigh griffin

Context (Field collection)
Collected by: Williams, John in 1862
Event Date 1862
Author: ashleigh griffin

Description (Physical description)
Votive deposit, in form of twenty coins strung together on red cord. Eight T' ang coins, issued under various emperors and dating 752-69 AD (cf CFE 155 & 162). Inscribed " K' AI YUAN" . One Sung coin, issued under Emperor Hui Tsung and dating from 1107 AD (cf CFE 331-2). Inscribed " TA KUAN" . Eight Ming coins, issued under Shih Tsung, 1520/2 - 1605/7 AD. Inscribed " CHIA CHING" (cf CFE 683-4). One has an ornamented rim. One Ming coin, issued under Shen Tsung and dating from 1571 - 1619 AD (cf CFE 687-8). Inscribed " WAN LI" . Two Ming coins, issued under Hsi Tsung and dating from 1620/1 - 1627/8 AD (cf CFE 700). Inscribed on obverse: T' IAN CHI" . Inscribed on reverse: " HU" (Board of Revenue"). Found inside wooden figure of Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy
Event Date 1960
Author: maa

Context (References)
See Lockhart's "Currency of the Farther East" (abbreviated to " CFE" in object description), particularly coin in Glover Collection (CUL classmark: FA.310.1-3). This book was used by John Bromwich, 15 7 1964, to identify coins at CUMAA.
Event Date 15/7/1964
Author: maa

Description (Physical description)
Diameter per coin:2.5cm. Total length: 20.7cm.
Event Date 13/8/2013
Author: maa


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