Accession No
1918.213.28 B
Mat - Interwoven black and white, red wool fringe.
Oceania; Polynesia; Fiji
Gordon, Arthur Charles Hamilton [collector]; Gordon, George Arthur Maurice Hamilton [donor]; Stanmore (Lord)
Reference Numbers
1918.213.28 B
Cultural Affliation
Plant; Fibre; Leaf; Wool
Local Term
Ibe [Fijian Art research project]
Context (CMS Context)
Catalogue card 1 reads [handwritten in blue pen:] '1918 213 (28). FIJI. 7 floor-mats; three patterned black + white + four plain (one with ornate border). G. A. M. Hamilton-Gordon. 2nd Baron Stanmore. (See 1st card).' [stamped in red ink:] 'CUMAA 15 JUL 1987 TRANSCRIBED'. Back of the card reads [in blue ink:] '1. 250 cm x 151 cm, 90 ins x 59 1/2".'
Catalogue card 2 reads [handwritten in blue pen:] '1918.213 (28 b). MELANESIA. FIJI. PANDANUS MAT, interwoven black and white, red wool fringe. 43" x 71". D. LORD STANMORE 1912. Rolled.' [added in pencil:] 'Note by Mrs Roth: Floor mat 4/2/86.' [stamped in red ink:] 'CUMAA 14 JUL 1987 TRANSCRIBED'. A small round red sticker pasted to the front of the card.
Event Date 14/7/1987
Author: maa
Description (CMS Description)
Interwoven black and white, red wool fringe.
Event Date 14/7/1987
Author: maa
Context (CMS Context)
Labels & inscriptions: A modern rectangular label is attached to one of the corners and read [handwritten in black ink:] '1918.213 (28) B. MAT FIJI. ' on one side and 'LORD STANMORE COLLN' on the other. A small metal label attached to the same corner reads [handwritten in white ink:] '1918.213.28 B'. A small rectangular cream label attached to the edge of the mat reads [handwritten in black ink:] '1918:213 (28). Fiji Islands. Stanmore Colln. 1912'.
Event Date 16/1/2014
Author: Lucie Carreau
Description (CMS Description)
Rectangular mat woven from strips of pandanus leaves. Each strips about 0.7 cm wide. Some strips have been dyed black and woven into the mat to create a motif visible on both sides. The motif consists of bands of alternating black and white lines running diagonally. In between these bands, alternating black and white lines run diagonally in the opoosite direction. At the border, the pandanus strips have been divided into thinner strips to create a fine decorative border of alternating black and white chevrons. The edges of the mats are decorated with dark red wool. The corners of the mat seems to have been damaged by pins. One corner discoloured. Mat has been rolled too long and has a tendency to keep its rolled shape. Otherwise good condition.
Event Date 16/1/2014
Author: maa
Context (CMS Context)
Exhibited: 'Chiefs & Governors: Art and power in Fiji', Cambridge MAA, 7 June 2013 - 19 April 2014.
Event Date 25/4/2014
Author: Remke van der Velden
Conservation ()
CON.2014.165 |
Event Date 1/3/2016
Author: maa
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