Full-length portrait of a young Kintaq Orang Asli (historically Negrito) woman, standing with her back to the camera, and wearing a black fungus rhizomorph skirt with supplementary cloth covering. She has a bamboo comb in her hair and is carrying a bag over her shoulders.
Evans described this skirt as the commonest kind of dress, which the Malay called akar (or urat) batu. The skirt is made of shiny rhizomorphs of a fungus which is considered a protection against hot rain, and which hangs from strings, usually made from the same material (1937: 75). [SG 22/10/2008]
SE Asia; Malaysia; Kedah; South Kedah; Kupang
Cultural Affliation
Orang Asli; Semang; Kintaq [historically Negrito; Kintak]
Named Person
Evans, Ivor Hugh Norman
Collector / Expedition
Evans, Ivor Hugh Norman
Collection Name
Evans Collection
Evans, Ivor Hugh Norman
Film Negative Black & White
Primary Documentation
Other Information
N.166972.EVN - N.167004.EVN were located unaccessioned in a grey cardboard box, now numbered C849/.
Publication: Similar portrait of same girl published in Evans, I.H.N., 1937, The Negritos of Malaya (Cambridge University Press), facing page 194, and captioned “Kintak Bong Negrito girl of Kupang, S. Kedah. Note black fungus rhizomorph skirt with supplementary cloth covering, Pandanus carrying basket bamboo comb and Kedah-type working knife, the hilt of which can be seen between the skirt and the basket.
‘Photo: by author, 1935." [SG 22/10/2008]
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