

View of colonial ceremony - presentation of large amounts of tapa, dance in progress?. [Elizabeth Edwards 21/6/2002]


Oceania Polynesia; Fiji

Cultural Affliation

Named Person



Collector / Expedition

?H.M.S. Nelson


2 - 10 August 1887

Collection Name




Primary Documentation

Other Information

P.45595. - P.45676 were found together in 1999. The electricians working in the Haddon Library found a horde of photographs under one of the upper staircases of the Library. This was transferred to the Museum in March 1999.

P.45646 to P.45657 were found in the paper folder whose inscriptions are transcribed in the inscription field. All are from Fiji, dated to 1887.

Place: The Place field was previously recorded as being “Oceania Polynesia; Fiji; Tappa”, based on the inscription, but It is unlikely that the place is called 'tappa', and more likely that 'tappa' refers to the material represented in the picture - barkcloth. The Place field has been amended accordingly. [Lucie Carreau, 14/3/2013]

Expedition: HMS Nelson was in Fiji 2-10th August 1887 [Elizabeth Edwards 27/11/2002]

Source: The date and places associated with the images can relate them to the von Hugel collection as it is likely that the Baron may have been the donor. There is no definite evidence as yet. [SG 8/6/2000]

Related Image: This print or negative appears to be a unique image within the MAA Photograph Collections. [JD 18/11/2011]


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