Accession No
Z 13387 B
Kele. A small comb made from bone with seven prongs. The narrow and tapering handle has a rounded end. Decorated on one side with an incised geometric patterns surrounded by small black dots. The reverse of the comb is undecorated.
Africa; West Africa; Nigeria; Edo State; Otuo [Otua]
Thomas, Northcote Whitridge [field collector]; Bevan, Anthony Ashley (Prof.) [monetary donor]
Reference Numbers
Z 13387 B; 2051 B [Thomas Coll. - 1st Cat.]; B 408 [Thomas Coll. label]; T.10.408
Cultural Affliation
Edo; Ghotuo
Local Term
26mm x 2mm x 98mm
Description (Physical description)
Thomas Collection 1st Catalogue description for 2051 A-B reads: 'Bone combs, small, one side carved'
Event Date
Author: Annie Tomkins
Description (Labels & Markings)
'T.10.408' written on object.
Event Date
Author: Lucie Carreau
Description (Physical description)
Catalogue card description for Z 13387: 'Kele. bone combs, undecorated on reverse.'
Event Date
Author: maa
Description (Physical description)
Accession register for Z 13387 reads: 'Two small bone combs, one side carved.'
Event Date
Author: Annie Tomkins
Context (Related Documents)
See E 1910.118 and E 1913.3 records for further details about the Thomas Collection from Nigeria.
Event Date 7/5/2001
Author: maa
Context (Display)
On display in the 'Origins of the Afro Comb: 6000 years of Culture, Politics and Identity' exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum July 1-November 3 2013. The exhibition label states: 'Hair combs
Made from wood (24 & 25),
copper alloy and brass (26 & 27, 31 & 32)
and bone and pigment (28-30)
Before 1914
From Otuo, South Nigeria
Ghotuo, Edo Culture, Made by Ghotuo Artists
Collected by N.W. Thomas. On loan from Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Z 13334; Z 13387 B; Z 13396; Z 13396; Z 13387;
Z 13397; Z 13387 A; Z 13396; Z 13396'.
Event Date 22/7/2013
Author: Remke van der Velden
Description (Physical description)
Kele. Small comb of bone, decorated on once side.
Event Date 27/10/2021
Author: Lucie Carreau
Description (Physical description)
Kele. A small comb made from bone with seven prongs. The narrow and tapering handle has a rounded end. Decorated on one side with an incised geometric patterns surrounded by small black dots. The reverse of the comb is undecorated.
Event Date 28/10/2021
Author: Annie Tomkins
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