Accession No



Navigation chart; Model - Model navigation chart made of palm ribs bound together with coconut coir. Several cowrie shells attached to charts. The shells may indicate islands, the different configurations of ribs indicate sells, streams and distances between points.


Oceania; Micronesia; Marshall Islands



Carpenter.Jane [donor]



Reference Numbers

2009.18; 185.04

Cultural Affliation


Shell; Plant; Fibre; Coconut

Local Term


360mm x 17mm x 600mm


Context (CMS Context)
Large rectangular label tied to the object reads [in black ink] 'From "We, the Navigators" by David Lewis/Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1972/p.201. 'These constructions of palm ribs bound by/ coconut fibre with shells as islands were first reported/by the missionary Gulick in 1862 (Akerblom, 1962:117)./Their existence gave the impetus for Winkler's/investigation of swell techniques (1901:487) &/had it not been for these artifacts, swell techniques/might well have gone as little recorded as Marshallese star or/bird love was./The stick charts are not charts in the Western sense, but/instructional & mnemonic devices concerned with [continued on reverse]/swell patterns (Winkler 1901:490). Neither are they/essential navigation tools./3 types are known: Mattang (instructional & mnemonic):/Meddo (shows swell patterns in relation to a few islands): /Rebbilib (covers the whole or a large part of the/archipelago & seems more concerned with islands/than swells./Pacific Island/ Navigation Aid/card in India box/. A small rectangular white label adheres to the larger label and reads [in black ballpoint] '185.04'.
Event Date 5/3/2014
Author: maa

Description (CMS Description)
Model navigation chart made of palm ribs bound together with coconut coir. Several cowrie shells attached to charts. The shells may indicate islands, the different configurations of ribs indicate sells, streams and distances between points.
Event Date 5/3/2014
Author: maa


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