Accession No



Small polychrome bottle with handle. The body consists of two sections: the upper body is short, bulbous and fluted with vertical stripes of black, red and cream; from which an orange flaring spout with purple everted rim projects. An angular projecting band of black decorated with incised white zigzags and impressed dots separates the lower body, which is biconical; with rounded upper half and shoulder, tapering to flat orange base. It is cream and decorated with stepped lines and circles within rectangles of brown and black on cream. A small orange strap handle with black crosses and lines projects at one end; opposite a small black maize cob in relief. Small chip to rim.


Americas; South America; Peru


?Late Horizon ?Inca


Joyce, Lilian Elwyn [donor]



Reference Numbers


Cultural Affliation


Ceramic; Pottery

Local Term




Context (References)
Ref. Plate: CCVIII
Event Date
Author: Imogen Gunn (admin)

Description (Physical description)
Bottle of most unusual form, with flaring neck mostly orange but with brown rim, rising from bulbous fluted zone painted with vertical stripes of black, white and maroon, below which is an angular projection painted black above and white below, with an incised zigzag line with impressed dots painted white above. Below this again the vessel expands to a rounded shoulder, and this zone is painted with geometrical designs in black and ?brown on white, and from it emerges an orange strap handlewith saltires between groups of 3 horizontal lines in black. Flattened base is orange. A black maize cob is modelled in relief opposite the handle; Maize Cob
Event Date
Author: maa

Context (Related Documents)
Catalogue card has sketch
Event Date 1961
Author: Imogen Gunn (admin)

Context (Analysis)
Letter from Dorothy Menzel to G.H.S. Bushnell dated 21 November 1971. 'Possesses many typical Inca features. The angular projection with its incised zigzag has a look of Ica, so it may be a S. Coast Inca product.' 'Dorothy Menzel (Berkeley) in letter to me [GHSB] 21 Nov. 1971 says almost certainly not from Ica, since Inca rulers made a point of splitting Ica politically from Chincha. Suggests Chincha Valley. Prestige piece for local people of distinction, not in direct Inca civil service at La Centinela, who maintained a special prestige system of their own.'
Event Date 21/11/1971
Author: maa

Context (Display)
Exhibited: Maudslay Gallery Case 57 until 1984
Event Date 1984
Author: Imogen Gunn (admin)

Context (Display)
Exhibited: Archaeology Gallery, case 73, Clarke Gallery, 1984-2010.
Event Date 1984
Author: Imogen Gunn (admin)

Description (Physical description)
Small polychrome bottle with handle. The body consists of two sections: the upper body is short, bulbous and fluted with vertical stripes of black, red and cream; from which an orange flaring spout with purple everted rim projects. An angular projecting band of black decorated with incised white zigzags and impressed dots separates the lower body, which is biconical; with rounded upper half and shoulder, tapering to flat orange base. It is cream and decorated with stepped lines and circles within rectangles of brown and black on cream. A small orange strap handle with black crosses and lines projects at one end; opposite a small black maize cob in relief. Small chip to rim.
Event Date 19/12/2024
Author: Clare McKenna


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