Accession No
Una ' gisa. Made by Olljonson Nutti. An oval shaped wooden chest with a domed lid attached by two metal brackets and secured with a metal latch fastening. The outer edge of the lid is carved with zig-zag decoration, and the centre is carved with five circles containing overlapping arches. The body of the chest is carved with horizontal lines.
Europe; Northern Europe; Fenno-Scandinavia; Sápmi; Sweden; Karesuando; Norrbotten; Skroven; near Gallivare
Croft, N. G. C. [field collector]; Lindgren, Ethel John (Dr) [field collector]; Clarke, Louis Colville Gray [donor]
Reference Numbers
Cultural Affliation
Wood; Metal; Iron, Lead
Local Term
una ' gisa
336mm x 204mm x 210mm
Context (Display)
Display label: 'Girl's box for finery / Brought (filled with silver 2-kroner pieces, silver spoons and jewelry) in reindeer-drawn sled, by Nils Nilsson Omma when courting his wife / ca.1908'
Event Date
Author: Katrina Dring
Context (CMS Context)
According to Mikel Utsi (a Karesuando Lapp) in 1947, " This box was brought by N. N. Omma to his wife, when he was courting her, as an engagement present. There was a silk scarf and two Krona pieces inside; it was in a ' pulka' behind a fine reindeer" Found: Near Gallivare; Northern Sweden; Exhibited: On display in the Maudslay Hall, CUMAA, until 9 7 1986. Re-displayed in the refurbished gallery from 1990;
(Bio) Female collector: Collected by: Dr Ethel.J. Lindgren in 25 2 1938.
'Accession Register notes "L.C.G.Clark Collected by E.J.Lindgren and N.G.C.Croft from Karesuando Lapps"'R.Hand 4/9/2000
Event Date 4/11/1993
Author: maa
Description (Physical description)
Small chest. There used to be an antler fastening of some kind, which has been replaced with a padlock with two keys on a chain. At the time of collection, these keys were being kept in a red and white checked cotton bag, hung from a nail near the door of the owner' s room. The owner, Nils Nilsson Omma, had owned the chest for thirty years or more, having had it in Karesuando, apparently before his marriage. These boxes are really used by girls for storing their things and Nils would not say why he had it. It was made by Olljonson Nutti (ie. Olle Johanson), a Karesuando Lapp, who had made the large " gisa" (also in the CUMAA collections). Omma was very attached to this chest and spent over half an hour making up his mind to sell it. Meanwhile, they discussed who could make a new one and said that there was only Mikel Person Utsi of Vaisaluokta, who is lazy and says that there is a lot of work for little money.
Event Date 4/11/1993
Author: maa
Conservation (Remedial)
CON.2017.3689 | Remedial
Event Date 24/1/2017
Author: Kirstie Williams
Description (Physical description)
Una ' gisa. Made by Olljonson Nutti. An oval shaped wooden chest with a domed lid attached by two metal brackets and secured with a metal latch fastening. The outer edge of the lid is carved with zig-zag decoration, and the centre is carved with five circles containing overlapping arches. The body of the chest is carved with horizontal lines.
Event Date 28/2/2023
Author: Emily Shorter
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