Accession No
D 1914.88 A
Goabddá. Divination drum with skin tympanum painted with figures and symbols.
Europe; Northern Europe; Fenno-Scandinavia; Sápmi; Sweden; Norbotten; Pite Lappmark
18th- 19th century
?Friar Collection; Trinity College [depositor]
Reference Numbers
D 1914.88 A; MAA: Z 43327 A-B; AR 1914.18; TC 1914.17; 54 [Manker No.]
Cultural Affliation
Lule Sámi
Skin; Wood
Local Term
goabdes/goabdda (Lule)
Context (Related Documents)
Duplicate catalogue card 1 for D 1914.88 notes: 'TC 1914.81 A-B. Lappland divination drum (TC probably refers to Trinity College Loan of 1914.) Re-numbered as Z 43327 A-B (vii/1986- see this card.)'
Duplicate catalogue card 2 noted as Z 43327 A-B notes: 'Possibly collected by E. J. Lindgren; see photocopy of article attached. [Now stored in Locations folder with Sami material, 01/2007- ' Two Lapp drums in Cambridge' , Miss E. J Lindgren, from the Illustrated London News Jan 1936]. (Items originally marked T.C.14.81 A-B; re-classified as above Z 43327 A-B). (1914.81 is an Annual Report number, signed A. Herle July 2003). R.Hand 01/2007'
Event Date
Author: maa
Context (Other owners)
Possibly originally part of the Friar Collection.
Event Date
Author: Lucie Carreau
Description (Physical description)
Duplicate catalogue card 1 for Z 43327 A-B noted 'A: divination drum, with painted skin. B: drumstick of ?reindeer antler, with engraved decoration.'
Duplicate catalogue card 2 noted 'Z 43327 A-B (should be D 1914.88) Lappland divination drum (A) with stick (B). Drum with painted skin. the stick itself (reindeer antler?) has engraving on it.'
Event Date
Author: rachel hand
Description (Physical description)
Duplicate catalogue card for D 1914.88, [previously listed as TC 1914.18] notes: 'Lappland Divination drum with stick, and the skin has been painted. The stick itself (reindeer antler?) has engravings on it.' [See also card for Z 43327 A-B]
Event Date
Author: maa
Context (References)
No 54 in Manker, E. M. (1938) Die lappische Zaubertrommel: eine ethnologische Monographie / von Ernst Manker.
Stockholm: Bokförlags aktiebolaget Thule (Nordiska museet. Acta lapponica, 1, 6).
Event Date 1938
Author: rachel hand
Description (CMS Description)
Sami drum and stick. The skin tympanum painted with figures and symbols. The incised beater carved in bone.
Event Date 8/7/1992
Author: maa
Context (Amendments / updates)
A copy of Lindgren's article in now stored in Locations box file with Sami material
Noted for Z 43327 A-B" I have added the A-B suffixes to the database records, as there appear to be 2 separate objects, the drum and the beater.
I have also removed the reference in the notes field to Lindgren and added Trinity College to the source fields based on the data from the duplicate catalogue cards.
Objects stored as D.1914.88 A-B and currently on long-term loan to Jokkmokk Museum, Sweden. R.Hand, 01/2007'
Event Date 12/1/2007
Author: rachel hand
Loan (Long Term Gallery Loan)
Long term loan to Ajtte Museum, Jokkmokk, July 1998 until July 2008:
Initially for the period July 1998-end June 2003, and then extended for a further 5 years until end July 2008
Event Date 31/7/2008
Author: maa
Context (Display)
Exhibited: on display in the Lappland/Sapmi case (Case. 68), Maudslay Hall, from mid September 2008 until the case was redisplayed in 2010 when it returned to display. R.vd.Velden 08/05/2014.'
Event Date 22/9/2008
Author: rachel hand
Context (Display)
On display in 'Sápmi' (Case 68), Maudslay Hall, MAA, from 26/02/2010 onwards
The display was co-curated with staff from the Ajtee Museum in Jokkmokk) with following caption: "Large Drum (Goabddá) and beater.
The absence of Christian symbols suggests that this extremely well-preserved drum predates missionary expansion into Sápmi. In 1998 it was loaned to the Ãjtte Museum in Jokkmokk where it became the centre-piece of a new exhibition that introduced younger generations to the pre-Christian Sami cosmology. It returned to Cambridge in 2008.
Reindeer hide and pine wood. Lule Sami area. 18th Century. Deposited by Trinity College.
MAA D 1914.88"
Event Date 17/1/2014
Author: maa
Loan (Exhibition)
Priovisionally requested by Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford, 06/09/2018 to 06/01/2019, Spellbound: Thinking Magically, Past and Present (working title)
Loan do not take place
Event Date 6/9/2018
Author: Rachel Hand
Context (Display)
On display in the Maudslay Hall, CUMAA, from 1990-1998
Event Date 29/6/2020
Author: rachel hand
Context (References)
Research paper given to the Heritage and Colonialism Discussion Group, 30th of March 2021 discussed the case of two Sami Drums in the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) exploring issues of colonialism, repatriation, and the suitability of long-term loans.
Freed, Anna and Phillips-Solomon, Roslaind. (2021). Repatriation, Restitution, Return: The case of two Sami drums in the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Cambridge Heritage Research Centre, Bulletin 13 July 2021
Event Date 30/3/2021
Author: rachel hand
Context (References)
Illustrated in Accessed 15/7/2021
Titled 'English: Sami drum from Pite Lappmark, Sweden. Bowl drum. 41 x 32 cm. No 54 in Ernst Manker's Die lappische Zaubertrommel (1938/1950). In University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge. Probably to Trinity College, Cambridge via Jopseh Banks or Daniel Solander ca 1760.'
Event Date 15/7/2021
Author: rachel hand
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